Culinary culture is naturally formed from the process of living. To Vietnamese, not only does it bring flavors like others, but also conveys traditions and cultural values.

black frying pan on stove

Vietnamese cuisine is an integral part of a culture. It is passed from one generation to the next. We grow up eating it, and it became a part of who we are. The act of cooking and eating traditional food is a method of preserve our culture. And because no two cultures, though may bear similarities, are the same, a diversity in different cuisines from around the world is created.
A dish, like every other element of life, must attain a balance. Vietnamese honor that balance, and apply ancient philosophy into their dish in order to do that. Every ingredient is used to create fragrance and flavor which response correspondingly while resembles the five elements of nature. There are five principal flavors: sweet, sour, salty, spicy and bitter.

3424 N 19th, Avenue #8, Phoenix
Arizona 85015

Mon - Sat, 9am-8:30pm
Sun, Closed


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